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소식 및 행사 소식 및 행사


Brain Sciences Department Seminar - 16:00, November 22(Wed), Yohan Oh, Ph.D.

조회수353 등록일2023-11-15

11월 22일(수), 뇌과학과 정기 세미나를 개최합니다.

아래와 같이 행사개요를 공지 드립니다.

1. 일 시 : 2023. 11. 22. (수) 오후 4시

2. 장 소 : E7-236

3. 강연자 : 오요한 교수 (Department of Biomedical Science, Hanyang University)(초청자 : 서진수 교수)

4. 제 목 : Exploring Parkinson"s disease pathology: novel insights through hPSC-based modeling and an optogenetically-induced alpha-synuclein aggregation system

학생 및 연구원들의 많은 참석 바랍니다.


뇌과학과 드림


Notice of Brain Sciences Department Seminar

The invited seminar will be held as below.

1. Date : 16:00, November 22(Wed), 2023

2. Venue : E7-236

3. Speaker : Yohan Oh, Ph.D.(Department of Biomedical Science, Hanyang University)(Host : Jinsoo Seo, Ph.D.)

4. Title : Exploring Parkinson"s disease pathology: novel insights through hPSC-based modeling and an optogenetically-induced alpha-synuclein aggregation system

All BS members are cordially invited.

Thank you.